Summer Picnic!

Let’s Picnic!

Hey friends, are you free to join us for one last gathering before the Gather Up Summer break?

We plan to meet on Brandon Hill from 1pm on Monday 4 July for a picnic. We’ll find a spot in the upper part of the park, in proximity of the tower, for best views over the city. 

Please reply to this invitation by email to RSVP, and if you are happy to share a phone number, we can pin and share a more precise location on the day. 

We will bring some nibbles to share. If you could all also bring a little something to add to the picnic blanket spread, we will have a feast!

We’ve put an order in for some fair weather but if anything goes wrong on that front we may reschedule. We’ll keep in touch with all who’ve said they’d come about that.

And if you can’t join us on that day, we look forward to seeing you soon, and to more dancing from September! 

Keep your eyes peeled for a newsletter coming your way soon. 

Go well, everyone!

Katherine, Laila and Laura x