GATHER UP October News: Library of People, Open Practice and Care Pot.

Dear all, 

Woah! It’s been such a joy to meet and move with some of you over the course of September. Heartfelt thanks to Vicki Hearne, Jane Mason and Gemma Prangle for setting us in motion. We are feeling all the ripples. 

And now, here we are with October news:

If you work in dance in Bristol you can access the Library of People free of charge to support or develop an aspect of your practice. Have a look for all details of how it works and who you could arrange a meeting with.

We are very excited to be testing out a monthly Open Practice session. The first one will take place on 19 October at Bristol Old Vic, 6.30-8.30pm.

We are opening a Care Pot to support those of you who might be encountering barriers to accessing our programme.

Stay well, enjoy the Autumn light (isn’t it stunning?) and see you dancing very soon!

Katherine, Laila and Laura 

NewsKatherine Hall