Sending a thank you from GATHER UP!

Dear friends,

We're writing as GATHER UP 's 2019-20 programme is coming to an end this month. How quickly did 18 months go by!?
It's been super inspiring, motivating and transforming to test out ways of holding spaces for practice and development of dancing across Bristol.

We really hope that in any of your experiences with GATHER UP, you have been led to more movements, that your dancing has been fed and that you feel you have made new connections. 
As for us, as we close this chapter, we are beginning to think about what next.

First and foremost, we want to share a big THANK YOU to:

the Bristol based artists that have lead morning class and shared their dancing practice with us - Ania Varez, Laura Dannequin, Anna Kaszuba, Crystal Zillwood, Kip Johnson and Bryn Thomas

the visiting artists that have lead a Saturday workshop and shared their research and dancing practice with dancers from near and far - Jo Fong, Seke Chimutengwende, Katye Coe and Adam Benjamin

the people lending an ear, sharing experience, questions, advice, signposts in our Library of People - Deepraj Singh, Sarah Kingswell, Helen Wilson, Katy Noakes, Katie Keeler, Laura Dannequin and Jess McCormack

the artists that shared their reflections and questions in response to their experience at the workshops for our blog - Sian Goldby, Chevon Edwards, Mary Eddowes and Holly Thomas

the venues and organisations that have supported the project and worked through some of the challenges with us - Bristol Old Vic, Circomedia, Trinity Centre, Tobacco Factory Theatres, Southbank Club

all 302 of the participants from all across the UK that have popped in, come along every now and then, or come for regular dancing. We see you and miss you!

Covid stopped us - like many others - in our tracks this Spring. We were sad to have to halt some of our offer. Throughout this period we did keep in touch with those whose GATHER UP classes were cancelled; opening up conversations with them as to what they might wish to offer instead, or at a later date; thinking about what mattered to them and to us in each moment as we navigated all that was unknown. We paid fees where fees were due in spite of cancellations or change in demand due to the health crisis. 

Now, we are taking some time to reflect on the past 18 months. It's odd to be going through this process in this challenging time, it is like looking through a window, to a different world.
But what brings us hope is this opening of space to attend to much needed matters such as representation, sustainability and to finding new ways to continue practicing and staying curious with our dancing.

As part of our closing process, we would like to make one last invitation, open to anyone that has or has not been connected to the GATHER UP programme in the past.

It's a call to hear what we could be doing better, but also a call to imagine how we could be dancing together in the near future.
It's a call to dream.

Q. In this next year and beyond, what do you imagine GATHER UP doing for your dance practice? 

It would be great to hear from you whether you're in Bristol or somewhere else in the UK!

If you would like to respond please send your thoughts in writing, an audio recording, film, or we are happy to hear your answers on a phone call via: 
or if you would like to stay anonymous please submit a response through this form here.

Your responses, like other feedback gathered along the way, will inform our report to ACE and our articulation to them of dance artists' needs in this time. Your thoughts will also feed into our own musing as we explore ways to bring about a new programme.

If you would like to keep connected and hear from us in the future about our next steps towards a new programme please sign up to our mailing list on our website.  

Lastly, we want to let you know that we are here.
If you have any questions, or would just like to have a chat please contact us directly or via email:

Go well,
Laila, Lisa and Katherine x

Katherine Hall